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"Speakeasy Ladies Night" is a historic television drama written in a "Soap Opera" format from1996 to 2001 in St. Louis, Mo. by an independent Producer / Director and Play Writer formerly known as "FPP" Productions Inc.. Renamed "Gmav Productions" and financed by Cryptocurrency investments with plans to re-produce the 50 episode Teleplay series using the original scripts and production notes. The story is about "Lounge Life" in the mid-west , and how three young ladies set out to own and operate their own Nite Club. We explored the Sub Culture of patrons of the "Old School" neighborhood corner Bar.. The "Home away from Home" for the undercover alcoholics always finding an excuse to "Have another one" or "Put it on my Tab".. A place where friends are closer to each other than their own families. The series became a local favorite and enjoyed a very robust viewership throughout the Mid West while receiving the 'DHTV VIEWERS CHOICE" Award in 1997 and again in 1998.
The Founder of Gmav Productions is passionate about maintaining a platform
for independent Producers , Writers , and Artists.. Committed to not let "Big Budget" major studios be the Only way an artist can share their Art.. And to not let the lack of Resources impede "Artistic Freedom"